To celebrate the launch of Starkey's new hearing aid technology, the Z Series, we are holding a series
of open days in October offering FREE hearing checks, FREE demonstrations and incredible discounts and offers!
The dates to mark in your calender are;
New Z Series hearing aids are designed to help you hear better and live better!
- Hear and understand conversations better in noisy environments like restaurants and parties.
- Loud sounds are comfortable and soft sounds are boosted.
- Stream TV, phone calls or event presenters directly to your Z Series hearing aids
We will have a special visiting expert Eileen Dissington on hand to demonstrate how the Z Series hearing aids work and how the wireless accessories can effortlessly stream audio from a variety of sources straight into the hearing aids.*
Come along for FREE tea, coffee and cake! Have your hearing checked and get your current hearing aids cleaned and checked for FREE. Preview the latest in hearing technology and take advantage of a 60 day no obligation trial! We are also giving you incredible discounts and offers on the Z Series range, including;
- up to 20% off the hearing aids
- FREE extended warranty up to 5 years
- 1 years supply of batteries FREE
- discounts on the Surflink wireless accessories
- 3 for 2 on all our batteries and accessories**

For a detailed information on prices and discounts, please see below. If you are an existing Starkey hearing aid wearer you can benefit from the biggest discounts and best offers.
Appointments at our open days are limited and are on a first come first serve basis, so please ring us early to guarantee your place. For all 3 locations call our Scarborough office on 01723 369505 and we will be happy to book you in.
Full Discount Price List and Offers
Usually Starkey Customers Non-Starkey Customers
Premium Technology - Z Series i110 £2,700 20% off - £2,160 15% off - £2,295
Advanced Technology -Z Series i90 £2,200 20% off - £1,760 15% off - £1,870
Performance Technology -Z Series i70 £1,600 20% off - £1,280 15% off - £1,360
Essential Technology - Z Series i30 £1,100 15% off - £935 10% off - £990
Value Technology - Z Series i20 £900 10% off - £810 10% off - £810
Hearing Aid Warranty 2 Years 5 Years 4 Years
Surflink Wireless Accessories Up to 20% off Up to 10% off
*Eileen Dissington will only be attending the Scarborough Open Day
**Offer only available on the day. Limited to 6 packs of batteries per customer. Cheapest item free.